Your Spirit Affects Your Witness for Christ

An optimistic spirit draws people into the stream of activity. Restaurants thrive on positive reviews and warm, energetic interactions with personnel. Physicians’ offices survey patients, hoping to find useful insight into the spirit of their staff. Churches want a reputation for being friendly places where everyone feels welcome.

What Spirit Do You Bring to Church Gatherings? 

One of my prayer requests focuses on the spirit of people gathering in the church building each week. Seeing God at work in his followers raises the tide of expectancy, which encourages everyone. Taking difficulties in stride and discovering ways to help one another brings hope to young and old.

When negative attitudes dominate, everything changes. People become suspicious of one another as their whispering births sideward glances. They take exception when differences surface and drop conversations when those who hold opposing views approach.

What Are Your Words and Actions Communicating?

positive spirit is contagious. Confidence inspires and attracts people. They want to be a part of something meaningful. Negativity draws people into the grasp of those who are content to focus on dissent. As people encounter us, they detect our attitude. Barnabas stood out in the young church because he had the spirit of encouragement. Furthermore, he looked for the good in people. When others were afraid to trust Saul, he urged people to give the former enemy of the church a chance. Later, John Mark deserted a missionary journey. Barnabas opened a way for the young man to rejoin the mission work. And faced with Jerusalem Christians’ concerns about embracing Gentiles, Barnabas encouraged their acceptance. In every way, he was opposite the self-promoting ways of Diotrephes.  

A consciousness of the vibes we send out leads to welcome changes. Are we more interested in our friends or phones than we are in the people God puts in our paths? Will we make time to focus on people and listen to what they have to say? How do we show interest in those others ignore?

Where Do You See God at Work?

Dr. Ralph M. Smith once told me to keep the printed information about the church upbeat. He also encouraged me to keep God’s activity before the congregation. I soon learned most folks did not know what God was doing. How could they, if no one told them? Someone needs to point out God’s interactions in daily life.

Many times, after opening staff meeting with prayer, I asked, “Where have you seen God at work this last week?” If church leadership cannot see where God is at work in their lives, how will the congregation? God’s work didn’t stop 2000 years ago; he is still at work. Open your eyes and ears. God may have moved a mountain. Or that still, small voice may have been his invitation. Share the beautiful ways you have encountered God. 

The charge to maintain a positive attitude speaks to God’s people as we gather. Our countenance, interest, spirit, and words convey his presence. May God use each of us to present his heart when the body of Christ meets.


2 Comments on “Your Spirit Affects Your Witness for Christ”

  1. I received great encouragement through your Blog. I feel that as the ambassadors of Jesus Christ, I need to conveys the spirit of Love and spirit of compassion to others. Your article made me sense that our words as well as our actions are very important when we present the Gospel to our neighbors.
    Thank a lot Pastor Harry.

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