How to Apply What You Have Learned

First, you asked God to speak through the Bible. Then, you read your passage several times. Next, you studied what the writer meant when he wrote the text. Now, you understand the meaning of the words. So, how are you going to apply what you have studied?

Apply by Answering Questions

Rick Warren generated several questions to help you apply what you have learned. He created the name “SPACEPETS” to explore different areas of our spiritual journey. Note the goal is to act on what you discover.

  • S: Is there a SIN to confess? Has your reading awakened your conscience to sin or rebellion that you need to admit? If so, confess and repent.
  • P: Is there a PROMISE to claim? The Bible contains thousands of promises. Some are universal, while others are for specific people or are conditional. If you want to claim a promise, you must meet God’s requirements.
  • A: Is there an ATTITUDE to change? Our moods affect our frame of mind, behavior, and conduct. Our demeanor should reflect the fruit of the Spirit. Does your disposition or way of looking at things reflect poorly on your faith?
  • C: Is there a COMMAND to obey? Is there direction from God you are ignoring? Where are you falling below the standards he sets?
  • E: Is there an EXAMPLE to follow? Are you following the positive or negative patterns you find in Scripture? Can you find another model to follow?
  • P: Is there a PRAYER to pray? The Bible records many prayers. The record of God’s children opening their hearts to him teaches us how to converse with him.
  • E: Is there an ERROR to avoid? All learn from experience, whether it is our participation or the actions of others. The Bible teaches us to avoid wrongdoing and how to find the right way to live.
  • T: Is there a TRUTH to believe? The Bible presents many truths. We may not understand all of them, but we can trust God with the certainties he addresses in Scripture.
  • S: Is there SOMETHING for which to praise God? Praise holds an exalted position in the prayers of God’s people. Are you making praise a part of your prayer life? How about gratitude? Expressing thanksgiving to God recognizes his actions in our lives.

Act on What You Have Learned

God never meant for his people to acquire Bible knowledge without applying what we have learned. Before you leave your studies, answer the big question, “So what?” How do you need to apply what you have read to your life?

For example, we study Philippians 2:5:

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 2:5, NIV 1984

We want to answer the question, “Is there an ATTITUDE to change?” Our attitudes reflect our relationship with Jesus Christ. Therefore, when we worry, we do not display our trust in God. In addition, when bitterness soils our words, we reveal a lack of forgiveness.  

How is your mood pointing people to Jesus Christ? If your attitude shows an ungodly spirit, you need to make changes. I usually need to start with confessing my failure. Then, I need to surrender my feelings to God. My next step often involves creating a better way to talk to myself. This step may include repeating a Bible verse that reorients my thoughts. Unfortunately, I often need to repeat the steps I have just listed. Give attention to your attitude because it is often the first clue you pass to others regarding what you believe. 

Make Your Questions Your Own

Are there questions you would add to the list Rick Warren provides? Add what you like and remove what you feel doesn’t apply to you. However, make sure your additions and subtractions help the Scripture you have studied come to life through the way you flesh out your faith.

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 

James 1:22

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